July 29, 2011

Birthday Parties & Emerson's 1st Fishing Trip

Birthday Parties       
        So in June we were so excited to be able to head south and celebrate our nephews (two of them 6 days apart) Birthday's.  We had so much fun with the family and the two cute Birthday Boys.

Hanging with Grandma
Above and Below: The Birthday Boys and their Cakes.  Must be Yummy!
Emerson was really intrigued with what his Cousin was playing with. This is actually the first time I have been able to get a picture of these two together. Sure hope I can get many more.
Emerson is definitely a Water Baby
The Kids all decided to join Emerson in the small pool and thought it would be fun to pour water on his belly.  He actually enjoyed it.
John decided to give the slide a try. Below: Emerson didn't think it was a good idea.

Emerson's 1st Fishing Trip
        Last weekend we were finally able to get together with some friends that we haven't seen in a long time.  We used to hang out all the time when we lived in Cedar then they moved to Wyoming and when we moved North we were finally close enough to get together, but never found the time we were all so busy.  They came to visit family in town and we all got together to go fishing.  So Emerson got to meet the awesome Shumways and also go fishing for the first time. It was almost dark by the time we got out there, so we didn't get much fishing done, but we gave it a try.  Thanks for all the fun!

All of us heading down to the river to do some fishing.
John is getting Emerson's opinion on which spinner to use. Not sure if he was much help.
He mainly sat in is stroller and tried to eat his blanket.  There were a ton of mosquitos so I tried to keep him as covered as possible.
My awesome friend her job was to hold her kid's fishing poles when they weren't using them.  She did a great job.
The awesome friend;s Husband, he is awesome too and a great Dad. Getting the hook on for his daughter.
It was late and passed Emerson's normal bedtime so he got fussy and I couldn't resist taking this picture of him.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for coming. Emerson is so cute and getting so big. Looks like you had fun fishing.
